The Impact of Technology in Education

    Technology is bound to rule our present and our future. This is an escapable fact that we need to face. It has ruled over different facets of our life and influenced the way we live. Computers and the Internet technology in particular have undoubtedly revolutionized the field of education. It plays an important yet fragile role in this field. It undeniably made a profound impact on educational institutions so much so that it made them rethink and redesigned school curriculums to conform to this “fad”. Their goal seems to have shifted its focus. It has now considered technology as part and parcel of the educational system. The benefit of tapping into this continuing trend is immense.

Advances in technology have dramatic effects in the way classes are conducted, the classroom became more dynamic, information became more accessible through a more diverse types of media, the amount of information one could find is also seemingly immense. The time in retrieving this information has also became insignificant, what will take you hours or even days to find decades ago could now be found in a click of a button.

In the recent century, we have seen a rapid change in the classrooms. The impact of technology is evident; computer has become the new classroom. Traditional classrooms became virtual ones, traditional teachers became virtual instructors. What was once an impossible task of teaching a person in a distant land without actually going there became possible, thanks to the advent of computer and the internet. Traditional chalk board setting has now evolved into digital projectors, interactive board even, physical library to virtual library. Books that have once burdened us for their volume and weight can now be digitally squeezed into a handy storage device. Finding and retrieving of information became easier than ever.

Computers are becoming more and more compact, more mobile. ICs are getting tinier and tinier allowing storage devices to store more and more information. A thin line now set computers apart from mobile phones. I consider the past few years as a revolution...a ”Mobile Revolution”. People recognizes the potential of mobile phones as a new medium in spreading information, digital information has become more accessible, more cheaper. A substantial number of users have switch from using computers to mobile phones in terms of sharing information, since nowadays, the former functions almost the same as the latter. Virtual mobile classroom isn’t that far. What lie ahead of us is a future of uncertainty, yet full of hope. I see a future with no boundaries. With the massive amount of information waiting to be tapped out there the possibility is endless. In the future, the word teacher, classroom and school will vaguely resemble its present meaning.

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